Native American Healing in the 21st Century - Natural Medicine

A Native American Owned Corporation

5952 Royal Lane, Suite 254, Dallas, Texas 75230
PHONE: 214-696-6916

Native American Healing in the 21st Century

"Native American Healing In The 21st Century" A comprehensive look at the healing practices of American Indians and how many of those natural remedies and healing methods such as herbal healing are applicable to today's alternative health-conscious society.

Distinguished Awards:

  • Best Inter-cultural Documentary
  • International Cherokee Film Festival 2004
  • Crystal Award of Excellence
  • Communicator Awards 1999
  • Telly Awards 1999

Ancient Remedies from the Native American culture are Now Endorsed by Modern Medicine
This DVD looks at the ancient health and healing methods of American Indians. These healing techniques along with traditional medicines are invaluable Native American contributions made to our early frontier heritage. Many of those same healing plants and herbal remedies used for health care are an important source of today’s modern methods of maintaining health.

The point is clearly made that what has been effective for thousands of years may still be the best means of maintaining a healthy lifestyle today. Running Time 40 minutes

  • Learn from today's respected physicians the crossover of ancient Native
    American healing remedies to present-day medical practices.
  • Explore holistic healing using Native American medicine from the plants of Mother Earth
  • Learn traditional healing practices and philosophies from tribal elders.
  • Discover the contents of a 350 year old Indian medicine bag.
  • Herbal healing remedies for:
    Female conditions
    Skin Conditions
    Digestive tract
    Sinus and more

Steven R. Heape - Producer, Executive Producer
Chip Richie - Director, Producer
Gregg Howard - Presenter
Howard Fisher - Screenwriter
Dawn Avery - Composer (Music Score)

Running Time 52 Minutes. Rated for all ages.
Close Captioned. NTSC All Regions.

Native American
Healing in
The 21st Century


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